WHAT’S NEW WITH THE EIFS INDUSTRY? An Exciting Program to Advance Your Knowledge on Exterior Wall Claddings


What’s new with the EIFS industry? You can find out tonight, when you attend the program at the Bethesda Marriot Hotel from 4-6:45.


The program will include reports on several important items, that should all help to advance your knowledge on exterior wall claddings, and how EIFS compares.  Topics of discussion will include Continuous Insulation (CI) and how you’ll be seeing more of this in energy codes and standards, the current EIFS market, hot button issues facing the EIFS industry that EIMA is tackling, and also how social media has helped EIMA and how it can help your company.


In addition to EIMA staff, Jesse Beitel of Hughes Associates will give a presentation on Fire Testing of EIFS.


A lot will be covered in a short time, so don’t miss out!

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